Monday, May 26, 2008

Tha Bruce is Loose!!!!!

Finally. Jay Bruce, as of Tuesday, will be a Cincinnati Red, #32. Reds fans have been counting the days until this came, and it is here. Bruce was blistering AAA pitching, hitting over .360, with 10 hrs. Barring a trade of Griffey or Dunn (highly unlikely right now), Bruce is here to play center field. This sounds like a 2 for 1 deal. Anything that causes Corey Patterson to not bat or play in the field is an immediate improvement.
This was the right time for me in particular. This friday, the wife and I will be heading to Cincinnati, and we currently have tickets for Friday and Saturday's games. Volquez is scheduled to pitch Friday and Belisle on Saturday. I believe that if Homer Bailey was having even a decent season at AAA, then he would already be up, but the best AAA starter was sent to Korea earlier this week. Getting to see Volquez and Bruce play will be well worth the trip.
I'll get as many pictures as possible and post many of them here.
My car may be finally giving out. It had trouble last summer, and the wife and I have already spent over $3000 to keep it running. It runs fine now, as long as the air conditioner isn't running. If the AC is on, the power will be sapped from the engine and no matter how hard I push the gas, the car won't go faster than 5 mph. I would love to be able to get a Volkswagen Jetta, but with me in school, that's highly unlikely.
Anybody else watch Andromeda Strain tonight?? I love Michael Crichton, and this is based off one of his earliest stories. The movie, a two parter, is so far outstanding. I plan on watching the rest tomorrow and going back to reread the book.
Read Ted Dekker, you won't regret it.

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